Share Your Favorite Memory

For instance, did you see the 47 to zip trouncing of OU in 1945, the 17 to 16 victory in 1965, or the oh-so-sweet 12 to 0 win in 1995? Tell us if you got lost on campus going to your first class, fell while running up the stairs in the Classroom Building, or freaked out your first day in English Comp. Maybe you met that special someone at dance hour or do you remember your first bagel night? How about a Freshman Follies story?
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Those who experienced the 1985 Ice Bowl on Thanksgiving Weekend will never forget it. My friends were kind enough to leave me their blankets as they each abandoned me. I lasted through the end of third quarter. There were no track marks in the snow on the OSU end of the field. Pokes lost 13 to 0.
Best memories of my first semester (1983) were Homecoming, mid-terms and the Presidential election all on the same week; being on FRC; and getting involved at UHBC. Great times.
Best memories of my first semester (1983) were Homecoming, mid-terms and the Presidential election all on the same week; being on FRC; and getting involved at UHBC. Great times.
Monday night bagel night, or was it Wednesday night? I can't remember. I can't even remember the name of the place. Was it Al's? I do remember students would line up a block or more long waiting for bagel night to start. Two for one! The place was on the east side of Washington. The building/structure is still there. Looks the same on the outside, but I haven't been in it.
All good stories!
I'll share a few brief OSU memories too.
- During my first semester at OSU, all five of my classes scheduled mid-term exams during the same week! I was completely overwhelmed but somehow suffered through. In silent protest, I donned the same pair of sweat pants and t-shirt all week.
- Perhaps the most memorable moment of my entire OSU career was the day I left my beloved Stillwater. I'll never forget the parade of feelings and memories flashing through my mind as I watched Stillwater grow ever smaller in the rearview mirror of my college car, The Pickle.
- Other wonderful memories: Jason and Stoney at Joes, Monday Night Football at Joes, 2002 Bedlam, excessive drinking...
Good times!
I'll share a few brief OSU memories too.
- During my first semester at OSU, all five of my classes scheduled mid-term exams during the same week! I was completely overwhelmed but somehow suffered through. In silent protest, I donned the same pair of sweat pants and t-shirt all week.
- Perhaps the most memorable moment of my entire OSU career was the day I left my beloved Stillwater. I'll never forget the parade of feelings and memories flashing through my mind as I watched Stillwater grow ever smaller in the rearview mirror of my college car, The Pickle.
- Other wonderful memories: Jason and Stoney at Joes, Monday Night Football at Joes, 2002 Bedlam, excessive drinking...
Good times!
Lee Marlin brought up bagel night. The restaurant was Nick's on the strip. And yes, those were the best bagels I have ever eaten.
Stoney and Jason acoustic at the Copper Horse, "free" parking behind the Aggie Stop, classes in AG Hall...then walking miles to mktg/ econ classes in the business bldgs, ballcaps and sweats on fridays....SHORTCAKES! :)
My memories start with being a pledge in the Beta house in Aug. 1979, sitting in the first engineering class with maybe 1000 other freshman, and then 4 years later being one of 10-15 who earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Lots of pizza deliveries- hideaway, dominos, The Fox- drinking too much beer a few times, the Strip- coney hotdogs and ice cream cones, OSU-OU wrestling match so loud I could not talk to the guy next to me, being from Overland Park, car pooling up and down I-35 to and from Stillwater, and the sorority girls who tried to take advantage on me on the drive. My last semester and my engineering project, designing and building a gear and belt system to drive the wind tunnel for aero dynamic experiments, going in on weekends to get the project completed on time, and the look on the professors face when it worked perfectly. Moms weekend playing quarters- the beer drinking game, with my mom and other moms and students, getting drunk, and the moms watching Animal House in the Student Union movie theatre. The snow ball fights, water balloon air raids using surgions rubber hoses as sling shots. The HVAC teacher who said it was not going to make sense, after I aced acct. 1 and econ. 1 that my stock ownership of Merrill Lynch did not matter, they would not let me enter the office, still to this day, in 2006 in K.C. people say the same thing here in K.C. The Alpha Chis across the parking lot who would come in our rooms and squirt water on us in bed with fire hoses, many water fights, some wet t shirts. 4 years of some fun, some bad, some pretty, some ugly, some time ago.
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